Committed to supporting others to flourish through coaching and mentoring
Through coaching and mentoring, Mick Krasner helps healthcare professionals and leaders in healthcare organizations elevate their potential, find meaning and professional satisfaction – and support the positive potential of others.
Uncover and cultivate your inherent capacities and build new ones so you can flourish.

Trainee Mentorship
Trainee Mentorship is a 1:1 mentoring experience for those who facilitate or plan to facilitate Mindful Practice in Medicine and mindfulness-based programs.
One-on-one supervision of your developing facilitation experiences will enhance your effectiveness and inspire you to innovate in ways that allow the expression of your unique gifts as a teacher. You will gain a mastery of teaching skills, develop curricula for facilitation needs, increase self-awareness of challenges and strengths, and create a roadmap to work through teaching challenges.
Support Coaching
Support coaching assists health professionals who are experiencing burnout, helping them to explore new professional directions and developing additional skills to manage current and future complexities.
Through a multimodal approach involving the cultivation of qualities of awareness, reflection, and values clarification, you will develop a clearer sense of purpose and source of meaning. You will learn to reframe and experience challenges as opportunities and acquire new capacities and tools necessary to move towards greater flourishing.

Leadership Consultation
Leadership Consultation supports leaders in healthcare organizations interested in developing programs to improve and foster the flourishing and well-being of health professional staff.
This engagement focuses on identifying the “pain points” within the organization, assessing strengths and capacities that can be leveraged to address these challenging issues, and exploring programmatic interventions that can positively impact these concerns and lead the organization to greater health and effectiveness. The engagement will also include an examination of the inner life of the leader, clarifying values, specific goals, and vision.
Mindful Coaching
Many of us, whether in the health professions or not, yearn for deeper satisfaction, meaning, and a way to frame life experiences so that they are comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. Mindfulness-based approaches can transform even the most challenging of life situations in positive ways that can be surprising, deeply satisfying, and life-changing.
Mindful Coaching will use mindfulness tools of contemplative and reflective practices to help you develop a clearer sense of self and purpose, a greater sense of connectedness with friends, family, and colleagues, and the ability to cultivate mindfulness going forward. Mindful Coaching will help you release the potential of eudaimonic happiness- true, deep, and lasting fulfillment.